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NEORION PLUS: Capitalisation and Promotion of green maritime technologies and new materials to enhance sustainable shipbuilding in Adriatic Ionian Region

Project date: 01. 01. 2022 - 30. 06. 2022
Webpage: Monika Cvetkov
NEORION PLUS aims to promott the results of the project NEORION in the Adriatic-Ionian on Green Shipbuilding in order to accelerate the cooperation of key actors and innovation in the industry. The industry strives for market competitiveness based on the development of innovations directly in the shipbuilding industry or in supporting industries (e.g. solar systems, electrical industry, development of nanomaterials, ..).
Raising awareness of the possibilities of cooperation and opportunities for the development of innovations in the maritime industry
Raising awareness regarding Sustainable Shipbuilding among potential beneficiaries, stakeholders and interested institutions is going to be gained through meetings and events on national level and through social media and video, so that the NEORION project's outcomes are going to be further communicated to all interested target groups.
Further promotion of the NEORION project outcomes and results to national/regional/level are going to be reached through Training Activities on Technology Transfer on Green Shipbuilding, using the existing experience gained by NEORION project in order to raise the technology capacities of all partners and stakeholders from all the countries of the project.
The capitalization strategy already presented in the framework of NEORION Project is going to be revised in order to ensure its resilience to COVID-19 and the consequent economic crisis and in parallel there is going to be an upgrade of the NERION project stakeholders’ platform on Green Shipbuilding, making it more operative and safer to users.
Last but not least, there is a provision on providing first-hand information on managing and implementing European projects to future potential beneficiaries by organizing a major Workshop of Future Projects with the participation of stakeholders form ADRION or EU area and in cooperation with National Contact Points.
The goal of the project is to improve the competences of industrial actors from the field of industries directly or indirectly related to maritime through raising awareness of the possibilities of participation in the Transanational Green Shipbuilding Cluster.
- University of the AEGEAN – research unit (GR) – lead
- ALMA MATER STUDIORUM – University of Bologna (IT)
- University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture ( HR)
- Technology park Ljubljana (SI)
Total budget: 141.350 EUR
Promotional video: