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JR Supporting the environment 2023 - first action area for (region) Osrednjeslovenska

Project date: 01. 01. 2023 - 31. 10. 2023
Providing a supportive environment throughout the territory of the Republic of Slovenia for the provision of free and accessible support services at regional/national level to the target groups of users under this call for proposals.
The support services will contribute to this:
- Strengthening entrepreneurial potential,
- encouraging the creation of new businesses,
- increasing the number of start-ups, especially those with a value added above the national average,
- increasing the survival rate of start-ups and
- overcoming obstacles to entrepreneurial activity.
Project objective:
As part of the operational programme for the implementation of the European cohesion policy, a contribution is to be made to the specific objective 3.1.1: "Promoting the creation and operation of enterprises, in particular start-ups", of investment priority 3.1 "Promoting entrepreneurship, in particular by facilitating the exploitation of new ideas in the economy and by encouraging the creation of new enterprises, including through business incubators".
Duration of the measure: 1.1.2023 - 31.10.2023
The activities of the Ljubljana Technology Park under Operation JR Supporting Environment 2023 are co-financed by the European Regional Development Fund, the Ministry of Economy, Tourism and Sport and the public agency SPIRIT.
Link to the website of the European Cohesion Policy in Slovenia:
The following activities will be carried out within the project:
- Information and promotion,
- training and events,
- entrepreneurial mentoring.
The target groups for the activities are:
- Potential entrepreneurs (people with an entrepreneurial idea),
- SMEs at all stages of development.