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BLUEAIR: Blue Growth Smart Adriatic-Ionian S3

Project date: 01. 12. 2020 - 31. 05. 2023
Webpage: Peter Medica
Phone: +386 1 6203474
2 seas, many untapped market opportunities in Blue Growth, different coastal and inland territories involved moving toward one single approach: the BLUEAIR Macro-Regional S3 on Blue Growth!
In the Adriatic-Ionian regions, Blue Growth Innovation policies are characterized by a fragmented situation, with pioneering and lagging regions searching for a joint knowledge-based approach to their innovation strategies to enhance the blue growth sectors in their territories.
Moreover, regions and countries overlooking the same seas and rivers need to be harmonized Blue growth policies to plan future innovation initiatives on topics such as sea transport, water pollution, energy connectivity, marine environment protection, promotion of sustainable tourism, etc.
Through the development of a Macro-Regional S3 on Blue Growth and the setting up of a dedicated Innovation Community, BLUEAIR aims at enhancing institutional capacities of ADRION territories in the definition of a common S3 policy on Blue Growth and guaranteeing the alignment of local initiatives with the EUSAIR strategy. Adopting a coordinated approach will improve administrative capacities, innovativeness, and economic development for participating territories as well as for the whole ADRION area.
Improving competencies of innovation players on Blue Growth, identifying sectors of macro-regional interest, exploiting potentials for transnational cooperation, supporting the development of a single Macro-Regional S3 on BG in the Adriatic- Ionian: these objectives are reached by the involvement of the quadruple helix actors in the definition of a common strategic vision by means of enabling tools, capacity building initiatives and effective EDP practices and instruments. Supported by scientific experts and technical documentation, BLUEAIR offers to quadruple helix actors a view on the future scenarios of the Blue Growth sectors enabling them to take advantage of the sector transnational opportunities.
Project partners:
- Area Science Park (IT) – Lead Partner
- Croatian Chamber of Economy (HR)
- Technology Park Ljubljana (SI)
- Municipality of Izola (SI)
- University of Piraeus Research Center (GR)
- Region of Central Macedonia (GR)
- National Agency for Scientific Research and Innovation (AL)
- Innovation and Entrepreneurship Centre Technopolis (ME)
- Chamber of Economy of Montenegro (ME)
- University in Belgrade (RS)
- Chamber of Economy of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina (BA)
Total budget: EUR 2,440,000
- Co-designing the BLUEAIR Mutual Learning Process on Blue Growth innovation policies
- Best Practice Identification and Benchmarking Report published
- BLUEAIR project presented at the conference of the Chamber of economy of FBiH
- How to achieve a coherent innovation policy in the Adriatic-Ionian Region?
- BLUEAIR Benchmarking Tool presented at the Mediterranean Coast and Macro-regions Week
- Blue Growth in the Adriatic-Ionian area: the BLUEAIR project presented
- BLUEAIR project presented on 3rd SMARTY Interregional Policy Brokerage
- First BLUEAIR press release
- BLUEAIR project presented on the 6th Forum of the EU Strategy for the Adriatic and Ionian Region
- The first Steering Group (SG) meeting was held