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BIFOCAlps - Technology park Ljubljana is a partner of a BIFOCAlps project

Project date: 01. 11. 2016 - 31. 10. 2018
Webpage: Simona Knežević Vernon
Phone: +386 (0)1 620 3 490
BIFOLCAlps - Boosting Innovation in Factory Of the future value Chain in the Alps aims to boost collaboration and synergies among main actors of Alpine region innovation system for a sustainable, smart and competitive development of the value chain of manufacturing sector towards FoF practices.
BIFOCAlps ultimate objective is building a critical mass of knowledge in terms of good practices, innovation patterns as well as measurable and qualitative impact indicators for policy to enhance the innovative growth and then “improve the framework conditions” of the AS.
The main outputs which will be developed in order to be fully transferable (in terms of territories and sectors) and with a long term approach are:
- a manufacturing sector map at transnational level that collects and integrates existing and potential FoF competences, roles, technologies and practices along all levels of the manufacturing value chain,
- a validated methodology to stimulate innovation processes among business, academic and administrative actors and to individuate best practices at each level of the value chain and in each country,
- a set of guidelines of strategic actions for policy makers based on a system of indicators integrated with the methodology and evaluating impact of FoF adoption to influence policy agenda towards enhancing framework conditions for FoF in AS.
Total budget: 1.619.250,00 EUR.