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ACSELL: Accelerating SME innovative capacities with the Living Lab approach

Project date: 01. 08. 2019 - 31. 07. 2023
Webpage: Urška Rauter Gaber
SMEs greatly benefit from ecosystems that enable cross-sectoral collaboration, learning, creation, and experimentation. Access to smart and integrated (inter)regional policy instruments throughout the entire process of innovation, a vibrant (value chain) ecosystem and relevant competencies will pave the way towards demand-driven and thus efficient, effective and sustainable solutions.
The overall objective of ACSELL is to sensitize the public sector, innovation intermediaries (e.g., chambers of commerce, technology transfer offices, etc.) and SMEs towards:
• expanding SME competencies by promoting open innovation ecosystems and
• integrating the user early in the innovation process with (interregional) living lab approach.
Moreover, ACSELL will facilitate complex policy orchestration and promote network thinking and openness through 1) concerted twinning activities in the form of study visits based on comprehensive self-assessments; 2) knowledge transfer and mutual learning between regions coping with the same challenges by identifying transferable good practices and hacking regional policy challenges, and 3) accelerating innovative capacities in the participating regions through improved (innovation) policy instruments.
What is the optimal framework for nudging that paradigm shift towards open and demand-driven innovation? How can mutually reinforcing value propositions be attained in a multi-dimensional ecosystem? These questions will guide activities that will feed into the action plans for each region.
Overall budget: 1,436,152.70 EUR
ACSELL Cast Episode 1 | Interreg Europe Projects and Good Practices with Emma Klever
ACSELL Cast Episode 2 | Being a Stakeholder in an Interregional Idea Exchange Project With Dr. Heidrun Sturm
ACSELL Cast Episode 3 | The Project Partner Experience with Gian Matteo Apuzzo
ACSELL Cast Episode 4 | The Benefits of Interreg Europe Projects with Donna Henderson & Andrea Pavlickova
ACSELL Cast episode 5 | All About Living Labs With Vicky Van der Auwera and Ingrid Adriaensen
ACSELL Cast episode 6 | Living Labs and SMEs: moonbird with Stefanie Broes and Ingrid Adriaensen