OMISLI.SI, d.o.o.

Področje Storitve
Status Regular member
Lokacija External
Telefonska številka 00386 40 186 086
Poštni naslov Podjetniška ulica 16, 3210 Slovenske Konjice
Direktor Mitja Pritržnik
Spletna stran

Problem: Customers need a quick & easy way to hire local proffessionals, so they dont pay too much and are "trust-issues" free. Local pros either need new customers (higher conversions) or have too many of them and are loosing money (bussy seasons).

Solution: We enforce CRM tools for both sides to boost conversions and verify local pros to enable trust. We're leveraging network effects between companies: for the first time we're enabling them to trade leads and make money even when overbooked!

Business: We take commissions and subscriptions from local pros and optional fees from customers, if they want to stand out.

Market: We are conquering the Slovene market (still some work here), than we will cross border in the region, enabling cross-border service provider migration (Austrians like to hire Slovenian contractors, for instance).

Accomplishments: We have connected over 10,000 customers and are working with over 3,000 local pros. We have generated over 150,000 € of revenue so far and are just breaking even.
