Webinar - Exit Strategy & Taxation w. Barbara Guzina

Webinar - Exit Strategy & Taxation w. Barbara Guzina

Date: 08. 06. 2021 at 10:00

Beyond just finding a buyer, or many if it's an IPO, both start-up's and investors need to be aware and plan for the multitude of procedural steps necessary to execute a successful exit strategy.

We'd like to invite you to join us in our next seminar, which explains the procedures, and tax policies, relevant to start-up exits. So that you & your partners can account for, and execute your next exit with confidence.


  • Share/asset deal
  • Selling the share in the company by the shareholder – company
  • selling the share in the company by the shareholder – individual
  • liquidation vs. "fast" closing of the company
  • taxation of hidden reserves
  • exit tax

