Open data for European Open iNnovation: Final Event

Open data for European Open iNnovation: Final Event

Date: 17. 12. 2020 at 09:45

This event will be an opportunity to exchange data with data players from the 7 partner countries (Croatia,Spain, France, Greece, Italy, Montenegro, Slovenia), within an event conceived in two phases.

First of all, a series of thematic interventions:

- the European strategy and its roadmap for open data

- a case study on entrepreneurship based on open data

- open data in the context of the Covid-19 emergency

- the horizontal project TALIA and the social and creative community in the Mediterranean


a presentation of the ODEON project and its results, followed by a round table with all project partners at European level.


09.45 - 10.00
Getting connected
10.00 - 10.10
Welcome – Gianluigi Cogo, Veneto Region and a Interreg MED representative
10.10 - 10.30
A European strategy and roadmap for data, Federico Milani EU Commission - DG
10.30 - 10.50
Making business with OD: a show-case, prof. Alessandro Mosca, NOI Techpark
10.50 - 11.10
Open data and COVID-19 emergency, Duccio Schiavon, Quantitas srl
11.10 - 11.30
The Mediterranean Social & Creative Community and the horizontal project TALIA,
Enzo Marino, project manager TALIA project
11.30 - 12.30
Project presentation & achieved results
Introduction by Roberto Sandrini, project manager Odeon
Roundtable with the participation of representatives of Odeon partners
Questions & Answers
12.45 - 13.00
Conclusions - Andrea Galeota, Padova Chamber of Commerce
