Accelerating the circular economy in textiles/fashion locally and transnationally

Accelerating the circular economy in textiles/fashion locally and transnationally

Date: 05. 06. 2024 at 10:00

We would like to invite you to an event as part of the SHARED GREEN DEAL project, organised by the Ljubljana Technology Park in cooperation with the Rog Centre. The event will take place on Wednesday, June 5, 2024, from 10:00 to 13:00 at Center Rog (2nd floor) in Ljubljana.

During the event, we will present three joint solutions for circular economy in textiles/fashion within the Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL) that were identified by the members of accelerator within three SHARED GREEN DEAL workshops. We will also award them with symbolic recognitions based on the opinions of the expert committee. Following this, we will discuss and exchange views on how to further accelerate the circular economy in textiles/fashion through open calls and ongoing projects, both locally and at a transnational level.

This event that is implemented within the SHARED GREEN DEAL project and under the auspices of Slovenia's presidency of the EU Strategy for the Alpine Region (EUSALP macro-region), is intended for members of the local accelerator for circular textiles/fashion and all other stakeholders who would like to join, such as SMEs from the circular economy for textiles/fashion, experts from the textile industry, fashion design, processing, reuse, textile recycling, research organizations, policy makers, associations, and development centers focused on circular economy for textiles and fashion, and other relevant organizations.


9.30 – 10.00

Registration and welcome coffee

10.00 – 10.20

Welcome speeches

  • Dr. Jernej Pintar, director, Technology Park Ljubljana (local partner SGD)

  • Tina Deu, head of marketing & PR, Center Rog

  • Nataša Jazbinšek Seršen, head of environmental department, Municipality of Ljubljana (MOL)

  • Petra Česen Čatar, National coordinator, Ministry of Foreign and European Affairs, EU Macroregional Strategies, Presidency of Slovenia of EUSALP in 2024

PART I: Recognitions for the joint solutions developed within accelerator for the circular economy in textile/fashion within MOL 

10.20 – 10.30

Activities of SHARED GREEN DEAL (SGD) Pilot/experiment, Majda Potokar MSc, TPLJ

10.30 – 10.40

Key results of the SGD Pilot/ experiment, Nastja Mulej, UMNA, workshop moderator SGD  

10.40 – 11.15

Joint innovative solutions of SGD accelerator for the circular economy in textile/fashion within MOL and recognitions for innovative solutions, Majda Potokar MSc, TPLJ

PART II: How to further support the circular economy in textiles/fashion at the local and transnational level

11.15 – 11.30

Industrial symbiosis among industry and craft/designers within the circular economy in textile (SYMCRAFT project – Interreg Central Europe) & other relevant projects, Mag. Majda Potokar, project manager, TPLJ, Q&A

11.30 – 11.45

Potentials of Circular Invest for supporting the public-private partnership within the circular economy in textile/fashion, Lorenzo Valeriani, META Group, online, Q&A

11.45 – 12.00

The Generali SME EnterPRIZE call is opened, GENERALI zavarovalnica d. d., Q&A

12.00 – 12.05

Programmes of the entrepreneurial support for creatives and entrepreneurs, TPLJ

12.05  – 12.10

Conclusions and invitation to sign in in the SGD accelerator for circular textile/fashion

12.10 – 13.00

Networking among participants

The event is implemented within the SHARED GREEN DEAL project (Horizon 2020) and supported by SYMCRAFT (Interreg Central Europe), EDIH DIGI-SI (Digital Europe) and under the auspices of the presidency of Slovenija of the EUSALP makroregion in 2024.

The event is free of charge. Please register below by Monday, 3.6.2024.




For more information about the event and the SHARED GREEN DEAL project please contact Mag. Majda Potokar from Tehnology park Ljubljana.
